2002-2003 Coronavirus

SARS Coronavirus 2002-2003..

The SARS coronavirus appeared in November 2002 in the Guangdong province of southern China.

This coronavirus epidemic affected 26 countries and resulted in 8,096 cases, with 774 deaths, between 1 November 2002 to 31 July 2003.

The duration appears to have lasted 9 months.

During the SARS coronavirus outbreak, the majority of cases (92%) and deaths (89%) occurred in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.  Most deaths that occurred in other countries were from people who arrived with the disease.

  • China, Hong Kong and Taiwan combined had 7,428 cases and 685 deaths, according to the World Health Organization.
  • Canada had 251 cases with 43 deaths.
  • Singapore had 238 cases with 33 deaths.
  • Vietnam had 63 cases with 5 deaths.
  • Philippines had 14 cases and 2 deaths.

The other countries that had recorded deaths were:

  • 2 deaths in Thailand from 9 cases. All from people who arrived with the disease.
  • 2 deaths in Malaysia from 5 cases. All from people who arrived with the disease.
  • 1 death in France from 7 cases. All from people who arrived with the disease.
  • 1 death in South Africa from 1 cases. All from people who arrived with the disease.

The countries that had recorded cases, but no deaths, were:

  • 27 cases in United States. All from people who arrived with the disease.
  • 9 cases in Germany. All from people who arrived with the disease.
  • 9 cases in Mongolia. 8 of these were from people who arrived with the disease.
  • 6 cases in Australia. All from people who arrived with the disease.
  • 5 cases in Sweden. All from people who arrived with the disease.
  • 4 cases in Italy. All from people who arrived with the disease.
  • 4 cases in United Kingdom. All from people who arrived with the disease.
  • 3 cases in India. All from people who arrived with the disease.
  • 3 cases in Republic of Korea . All from people who arrived with the disease.
  • 2 cases in Indonesia. All from people who arrived with the disease.
  • 1 case in Kuwait. This one arrived with the disease.
  • 1 case in New Zealand. This one arrived with the disease.
  • 1 case in Republic of Ireland. This one arrived with the disease.
  • 1 case in Romania  This one arrived with the disease.
  • 1 case in Russian Federation. This one arrived with the disease.
  • 1 case in Spain. This one arrived with the disease.
  • 1 case in Switzerland. This one arrived with the disease.

The duration appears to have lasted 9 months.

Since the end of the global epidemic in July 2003, SARS has reappeared four times – three times from laboratory accidents (Singapore and Chinese Taipei), and once in southern China where the source of infection remains undetermined although there is circumstantial evidence of animal-to-human transmission.


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