2020 United States Presidential Election

The 2020 United States presidential election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020.

The United States President and Vice President are elected by the Electoral College, every 4 years.

The registered voters in the United States, vote for members of the Electoral College in each state. Each state is allocated a number of electors that is equal to the size of that States delegation in both houses of Congress combined.

The person chosen by the people is not always the person that becomes President, after being chosen by the Electoral College.  In recent years, this happened in 2000 and again in 2016.

Previous United States Presidential Election Results

2016 United States Presidential Election

Donald Trump, Republican, received 62,984,828 popular votes. 46.1%
Hillary Clinton, Democratic, received 65,853,514 popular votes. 48.2%
By the choice of the US people, of the 55.7% who chose to vote, Hillary Clinton would be President.

The Electoral College voted: 304 for Donald Trump, and 227 for Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump, Republican, became President in 2016, by the choice of just the Electoral College, NOT the people.

2012 United States Presidential Election

Barack Obama, Democratic, received 65,915,795 popular votes. 51.1%
Mitt Romney, Republican, received 60,933,504 popular votes. 47.2%
By the choice of the US people, of the 54.9% who chose to vote, Barack Obama would be President.

The Electoral College voted: 332 for Barack Obama, and 206 for Mitt Romney

Barack Obama, Democratic, became President in 2012, by the choice of the People AND the Electoral College.

2008 United States Presidential Election

Barack Obama, Democratic, received 69,498,516 popular votes. 52.9%
John McCain, Republican, received 59,948,323 popular votes. 45.7%
By the choice of the US people, of the 58.2% who chose to vote, Barack Obama would be President.

The Electoral College voted: 365 for Barack Obama, and 173 for John McCain

Barack Obama, Democratic, became President in 2008, by the choice of the People AND the Electoral College.

2004 United States Presidential Election

George W. Bush, Republican, received 62,040,610 popular votes. 50.7%
John Kerry, Democratic, received 59,028,444 popular votes. 48.3%
By the choice of the US people, of the 56.7% who chose to vote, George W. Bush would be President.

The Electoral College voted: 286 for George W. Bush, and 251 for John Kerry

George W. Bush, Republican, became President in 2004, by the choice of the People AND the Electoral College.

2000 United States Presidential Election

George W. Bush, Republican, received 50,456,002 popular votes. 47.9%
Al Gore, Democratic, received 50,999,897 popular votes. 48.4%
By the choice of the US people, of the 51.2% who chose to vote, Al Gore would be President.

The Electoral College voted: 271 for George W. Bush, and 266 for Al Gore

George W. Bush, Republican, became President in 2000, by the choice of just the Electoral College, NOT the people.

1996 United States Presidential Election

Bill Clinton, Democratic, received 47,401,185 popular votes. 49.2%
Bob Dole, Republican, received 39,197,469 popular votes. 40.7%
By the choice of the US people, of the 49.0% who chose to vote, Bill Clinton would be President.

The Electoral College voted: 379 for Bill Clinton, and 159 for Bob Dole

Bill Clinton, Democratic, became President in 1996, by the choice of the People AND the Electoral College.

1992 United States Presidential Election

Bill Clinton, Democratic, received 44,909,889 popular votes. 43.0%
George H. W. Bush, Republican, received 39,104,550 popular votes. 37.4%
By the choice of the US people, of the 55.2% who chose to vote, Bill Clinton would be President.

The Electoral College voted: 370 for Bill Clinton, and 168 for George H. W. Bush

Bill Clinton, Democratic, became President in 1992, by the choice of the People AND the Electoral College.

1988 United States Presidential Election

George H. W. Bush, Republican, received 48,886,597 popular votes. 53.4%
Michael Dukakis, Democratic, received 41,809,074 popular votes. 45.6%
By the choice of the US people, of the 50.2% who chose to vote, George H. W. Bush would be President.

The Electoral College voted: 426 for George H. W. Bush, and 111 for Michael Dukakis

George H. W. Bush, Republican, became President in 1988, by the choice of the People AND the Electoral College.

1984 United States Presidential Election

Ronald Reagan, Republican, received 54,455,472 popular votes. 58.8%
Walter Mondale, Democratic, received 37,577,352 popular votes. 40.6%
By the choice of the US people, of the 53.3% who chose to vote, Ronald Reagan would be President.

The Electoral College voted: 525 for Ronald Reagan, and 13 for Walter Mondale

Ronald Reagan, Republican, became President in 1984, by the choice of the People AND the Electoral College.

1980 United States Presidential Election

Ronald Reagan, Republican, received 43,903,230 popular votes. 50.7%
Jimmy Carter, Democratic, received 35,480,115 popular votes. 41.0%
By the choice of the US people, of the 52.6% who chose to vote, Ronald Reagan would be President.

The Electoral College voted: 489 for Ronald Reagan, and 49 for Jimmy Carter

Ronald Reagan, Republican, became President in 1980, by the choice of the People AND the Electoral College.

1976 United States Presidential Election

Jimmy Carter, Democratic, received 40,831,881 popular votes. 50.1%
Gerald Ford, Republican, received 39,148,634 popular votes. 48.0%
By the choice of the US people, of the 53.5% who chose to vote, Jimmy Carter would be President.

The Electoral College voted: 297 for Jimmy Carter, and 240 for Gerald Ford

Jimmy Carter, Democratic, became President in 1976, by the choice of the People AND the Electoral College.

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