How to Create a Custom Menu option (Custom Links) in WordPress 3.6

On upgrading to WordPress 3.6 some things have changed, and even though it may only be a little change, it may really confuse a person.

We get so used to what we do, where things are, what things are called, that any slight change can create absolute confusion, wherein the reality is that it isn’t as bad as we first think.

I needed to create a new menu option, but not by using a page, as I didn’t want it linking to anything, but the option was not there any more.  I thought it had gone, I even Googled the problem, but found nothing.

But after a cup of coffee, I found the SIMPLE answer.

Here are the screenshots of the different WordPress versions, showing how simple it should have been.

WP3.5.2 to 3.6 Menu Options

It was called Custom Links, but is now just called Links, and it isn’t open by default anymore, so it just LOOKS different.

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