Boot or Trunk of a Car

Boot or Trunk, English or American usage

Another word variation between the English and the American, the storage compartment in a car.

The usage of the word “trunk” comes from it being the word for a large travelling chest, called a “trunk”, which was often attached to the back of the vehicle.

Later vehicles had an integrated storage compartment at the back, which was called a “boot”.

Boot or Trunk, English or American usage..

Another word variation between the English and the American; the storage compartment in a car.

The usage of the word “trunk” comes from it being the word for a large travelling chest, called a “trunk”, which was often attached to the back of the vehicle in the early years of motoring.

Later vehicles had an integrated storage compartment at the back, which was called a “boot”.  However in American usage the difference was not considered for language purpose and they still called the boot a trunk.

Car with Trunk

Car with Boot

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