Population of the United Kingdom by Percentage of Nationality..
Data for this page is taken from the 2017 Estimates from the Annual Population Survey prepared by the UK Office for National Statistics.
Population of England by Nationality Group
89.82% British
6.20% EU Nationals
3.94% Non-EU Nationals
Population of Wales by Nationality Group
95.59% British
2.56% EU Nationals
1.82% Non-EU Nationals
Population of Scotland by Nationality Group
92.88% British
4.42% EU Nationals
2.67% Non-EU Nationals
Population of Northern Ireland by Nationality Group
93.25% British
4.97% EU Nationals
1.73% Non-EU Nationals
London and Non London by Nationality in England
Population of London by Nationality Group
13.74% EU Nationals
9.99% Non-EU Nationals
76.20% British
Population of England excluding London by Nationality Group
4.75% EU Nationals
2.78% Non-EU Nationals
92.45% British
EU and Non EU Nationals in the UK
EU Nationals as percentages of each UK Countries Population
6.20% England
2.56% Wales
4.42% Scotland
4.97% Northern Ireland (Possibly high due to the Irish in Northern Ireland)
Non-EU Nationals as percentages of each UK Countries Population
3.94% England
1.82% Wales
2.67% Scotland
1.73% Northern Ireland
Source: www.ons.gov.uk Table 2.1: Population in the United Kingdom, excluding some residents in communal establishments, by nationality. December 2017 data.
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