US Covid-19 Testing Rates

The United States has a very low testing rate for the coronavirus disease COVID-19, when compared to most other countries.

143 countries have recorded testing rates according to the worldometers site, with rates between 8 and 108,000 tests per million people.

The US currently sits at position 43 with 7,109 tests per million.

Some of these countries have small populations, and so can easily a lot of their population.

But comparing against other developed countries, Norway and Switzerland, with over 20,000 per million and Australia, Austria and Italy, with over 12,000 per million, and Canada and Spain (9,800 and 7,600) it shows that the USA has to do more tests to keep up with many other countries.

Testing rates per million population as at 10th April 2020 are:

  1. 108,446 Faeroe Islands
  2. 95,718 Iceland
  3. 59,967 UAE
  4. 44,849 Gibraltar
  5. 43,965 Luxembourg
  6. 39,368 Falkland Islands
  7. 32,379 Bahrain
  8. 31,100 Malta
  9. 24,933 San Marino
  10. 23,605 Liechtenstein
  11. 22,326 Norway
  12. 22,097 Isle of Man
  13. 21,653 Andorra
  14. 20,625 Switzerland
  15. 20,538 Brunei
  16. 19,914 Estonia
  17. 15,730 Germany
  18. 15,303 Slovenia
  19. 14,975 Qatar
  20. 14,114 Italy
  21. 14,022 Austria
  22. 13,766 Portugal
  23. 13,564 Greenland
  24. 13,557 Israel
  25. 13,497 Latvia
  26. 12,946 Australia
  27. 12,900 Hong Kong
  28. 12,052 Lithuania
  29. 11,822 Cyprus
  30. 11,110 Singapore
  31. 11,050 Denmark
  32. 10,734 Ireland
  33. 10,610 New Zealand
  34. 9,977 Czechia
  35. 9,812 Canada
  36. 9,441 Aruba
  37. 9,310 S. Korea
  38. 8,126 New Caledonia
  39. 7,593 Spain
  40. 7,288 Cayman Islands
  41. 7,269 Belgium
  42. 7,212 Montserrat
  43. 7,109 USA
  44. 7,039 Finland
  45. 6,885 Russia
  46. 6,655 Channel Islands
  47. 5,926 Netherlands
  48. 5,684 Bermuda
  49. 5,658 Azerbaijan
  50. 5,416 Sweden
  51. 5,292 Mauritius
  52. 5,186 Belarus
  53. 5,114 France
  54. 4,898 Venezuela
  55. 4,392 UK
  56. 4,293 Dominica
  57. 4,032 Mayotte
  58. 3,914 Slovakia
  59. 3,708 Montenegro
  60. 3,576 Chile
  61. 3,440 Djibouti
  62. 3,440 Saint Kitts and Nevis
  63. 3,332 Croatia
  64. 3,320 Saudi Arabia
  65. 3,277 Turkey
  66. 3,227 Greece
  67. 3,162 Kazakhstan
  68. 3,154 North Macedonia
  69. 3,150 Palestine
  70. 2,880 Hungary
  71. 2,843 Poland
  72. 2,755 Iran
  73. 2,729 Panama
  74. 2,693 Romania
  75. 2,649 French Polynesia
  76. 2,612 Sint Maarten
  77. 2,415 Barbados
  78. 2,288 Bulgaria
  79. 2,153 Malaysia
  80. 2,106 Bosnia and Herzegovina
  81. 2,091 Uzbekistan
  82. 1,974 Uruguay
  83. 1,965 Armenia
  84. 1,835 Lebanon
  85. 1,777 Taiwan
  86. 1,666 Jordan
  87. 1,576 Turks and Caicos
  88. 1,511 Bhutan
  89. 1,474 Kyrgyzstan
  90. 1,470 Peru
  91. 1,413 Serbia
  92. 1,266 Moldova
  93. 1,236 Costa Rica
  94. 1,174 Vietnam
  95. 1,161 South Africa
  96. 1,120 Albania
  97. 1,083 Ecuador
  98. 1,030 Thailand
  99. 915 Belize
  100. 831 Cuba
  101. 820 Georgia
  102. 810 Tunisia
  103. 762 Guinea-Bissau
  104. 757 Iraq
  105. 705 Trinidad and Tobago
  106. 686 Colombia
  107. 659 Dominican Republic
  108. 609 Equatorial Guinea
  109. 505 St. Vincent Grenadines
  110. 491 Botswana
  111. 486 Japan
  112. 471 Ukraine
  113. 408 Antigua and Barbuda
  114. 400 Grenada
  115. 388 Ghana
  116. 381 Caribbean Netherlands
  117. 345 Cambodia
  118. 329 Argentina
  119. 317 Paraguay
  120. 306 Jamaica
  121. 296 Brazil
  122. 244 Egypt
  123. 224 Philippines
  124. 211 Togo
  125. 203 Pakistan
  126. 197 Mexico
  127. 184 Guyana
  128. 176 Niger
  129. 166 Morocco
  130. 152 Sri Lanka
  131. 142 Namibia
  132. 129 India
  133. 124 Laos
  134. 99 Nepal
  135. 98 Kenya
  136. 87 Sao Tome and Principe
  137. 77 Algeria
  138. 72 Uganda
  139. 72 Libya
  140. 67 Zambia
  141. 63 Guatemala
  142. 62 Rwanda
  143. 55 Mauritania
  144. 52 Indonesia
  145. 51 Bolivia
  146. 37 Bangladesh
  147. 25 Zimbabwe
  148. 24 Nigeria
  149. 24 Ethiopia
  150. 23 Haiti
  151. 23 Myanmar
  152. 15 Mozambique
  153. 8 Papua New Guinea

Total Tests per Country

The total tests will obviously show the US as a much higher number, having a larger area and population, and the top ten countries for tests are shown as:

  1. 2,353,096 USA
  2. 1,317,887 Germany
  3. 1,004,719 Russia
  4. 853,369 Italy
  5. 593,095 UAE
  6. 477,304 S. Korea
  7. 370,315 Canada
  8. 355,000 Spain
  9. 333,807 France
  10. 330,134 Australia

Testing Rates By US States

New York with 19,958 tests per million is doing much better than other States of the US, such as Texas with 3,806, Kansas with 3,704 and Oklahoma with 818.

  1. New York with 19,958 tests per million.  (This would be position 16, after Switzerland, if New York state was a country.)
  2. Louisiana with 18,638 tests per million.
  3. Massachusetts with 13,903 tests per million.
  4. Rhode Island with 13,257 tests per million.
  5. Vermont with 13,090 tests per million.
  6. District Of Columbia with 12,745 tests per million.   (This would be position 33, after Australia, if the District of Columbia state was a country.)
  7. Washington with 12,623 tests per million.
  8. Utah with 12,601 tests per million.
  9. North Dakota with 11,952 tests per million.
  10. New Mexico with 11,437 tests per million.
  11. New Jersey with 11,296 tests per million.
  12. Hawaii with 11,076 tests per million.
  13. Delaware with 10,416 tests per million.
  14. Alaska with 9,780 tests per million.
  15. Connecticut with 9,354 tests per million.
  16. Tennessee with 8,998 tests per million.
  17. Nevada with 8,921 tests per million.
  18. South Dakota with 8,269 tests per million.
  19. Pennsylvania with 8,256 tests per million.
  20. Idaho with 7,758 tests per million.
  21. Florida with 7,689 tests per million.
  22. West Virginia with 7,579 tests per million.
  23. Montana with 7,545 tests per million.
  24. USA Total with 7,109 tests per million.
  25. New Hampshire with 7,108 tests per million.
  26. Wyoming with 6,985 tests per million.
  27. Maryland with 6,918 tests per million.
  28. Mississippi with 6,904 tests per million.
  29. Illinois with 6,306 tests per million.
  30. Missouri with 6,286 tests per million.
  31. Oregon with 6,278 tests per million.
  32. Wisconsin with 5,937 tests per million.
  33. Minnesota with 5,843 tests per million.
  34. Colorado with 5,637 tests per million.
  35. South Carolina with 5,522 tests per million.
  36. Arizona with 5,352 tests per million.
  37. Michigan with 5,309 tests per million.
  38. Arkansas with 5,250 tests per million.
  39. Kentucky with 5,218 tests per million.
  40. Maine with 4,971 tests per million.
  41. Indiana with 4,841 tests per million.
  42. Ohio with 4,809 tests per million.
  43. Iowa with 4,780 tests per million.
  44. North Carolina with 4,708 tests per million.
  45. Nebraska with 4,571 tests per million.
  46. Alabama with 4,236 tests per million.
  47. California with 4,176 tests per million.
  48. Georgia with 3,990 tests per million.
  49. Virginia with 3,925 tests per million.
  50. Texas with 3,806 tests per million.
  51. Kansas with 3,704 tests per million.
  52. Puerto Rico with 1,977 tests per million.
  53. Oklahoma with 818 tests per million.

Testing Rates if each US State was a Country

  1. 108,446 Faeroe Islands
  2. 95,718 Iceland
  3. 59,967 UAE
  4. 44,849 Gibraltar
  5. 43,965 Luxembourg
  6. 39,368 Falkland Islands
  7. 32,379 Bahrain
  8. 31,100 Malta
  9. 24,933 San Marino
  10. 23,605 Liechtenstein
  11. 22,326 Norway
  12. 22,097 Isle of Man
  13. 21,653 Andorra
  14. 20,625 Switzerland
  15. 20,538 Brunei
  16. 19,958 New York, USA
  17. 19,914 Estonia
  18. 18,638 Louisiana, USA
  19. 15,730 Germany
  20. 15,303 Slovenia
  21. 14,975 Qatar
  22. 14,114 Italy
  23. 14,022 Austria
  24. 13,903 Massachusetts, USA
  25. 13,766 Portugal
  26. 13,564 Greenland
  27. 13,557 Israel
  28. 13,497 Latvia
  29. 13,257 Rhode Island, USA
  30. 13,090 Vermont, USA
  31. 12,946 Australia
  32. 12,900 Hong Kong
  33. 12,745 District Of Columbia, USA
  34. 12,623 Washington, USA
  35. 12,601 Utah, USA
  36. 12,052 Lithuania
  37. 11,952 North Dakota, USA
  38. 11,822 Cyprus
  39. 11,437 New Mexico, USA
  40. 11,296 New Jersey, USA
  41. 11,110 Singapore
  42. 11,076 Hawaii, USA
  43. 11,050 Denmark
  44. 10,734 Ireland
  45. 10,610 New Zealand
  46. 10,416 Delaware, USA
  47. 9,977 Czechia
  48. 9,812 Canada
  49. 9,780 Alaska, USA
  50. 9,441 Aruba
  51. 9,354 Connecticut, USA
  52. 9,310 S. Korea
  53. 8,998 Tennessee, USA
  54. 8,921 Nevada, USA
  55. 8,269 South Dakota, USA
  56. 8,256 Pennsylvania, USA
  57. 8,126 New Caledonia
  58. 7,758 Idaho, USA
  59. 7,689 Florida, USA
  60. 7,593 Spain
  61. 7,579 West Virginia, USA
  62. 7,545 Montana, USA
  63. 7,288 Cayman Islands
  64. 7,269 Belgium
  65. 7,212 Montserrat
  66. 7,109 USA Total, USA
  67. 7,108 New Hampshire, USA
  68. 7,039 Finland
  69. 6,985 Wyoming, USA
  70. 6,918 Maryland, USA
  71. 6,904 Mississippi, USA
  72. 6,885 Russia
  73. 6,655 Channel Islands
  74. 6,306 Illinois, USA
  75. 6,286 Missouri, USA
  76. 6,278 Oregon, USA
  77. 5,937 Wisconsin, USA
  78. 5,926 Netherlands
  79. 5,843 Minnesota, USA
  80. 5,684 Bermuda
  81. 5,658 Azerbaijan
  82. 5,637 Colorado, USA
  83. 5,522 South Carolina, USA
  84. 5,416 Sweden
  85. 5,352 Arizona, USA
  86. 5,309 Michigan, USA
  87. 5,292 Mauritius
  88. 5,250 Arkansas, USA
  89. 5,218 Kentucky, USA
  90. 5,186 Belarus
  91. 5,114 France
  92. 4,971 Maine, USA
  93. 4,898 Venezuela
  94. 4,841 Indiana, USA
  95. 4,809 Ohio, USA
  96. 4,780 Iowa, USA
  97. 4,708 North Carolina, USA
  98. 4,571 Nebraska, USA
  99. 4,392 UK
  100. 4,293 Dominica
  101. 4,236 Alabama, USA
  102. 4,176 California, USA
  103. 4,032 Mayotte
  104. 3,990 Georgia, USA
  105. 3,925 Virginia, USA
  106. 3,914 Slovakia
  107. 3,806 Texas, USA
  108. 3,708 Montenegro
  109. 3,704 Kansas, USA
  110. 3,576 Chile
  111. 3,440 Djibouti
  112. 3,440 Saint Kitts and Nevis
  113. 3,332 Croatia
  114. 3,320 Saudi Arabia
  115. 3,277 Turkey
  116. 3,227 Greece
  117. 3,162 Kazakhstan
  118. 3,154 North Macedonia
  119. 3,150 Palestine
  120. 2,880 Hungary
  121. 2,843 Poland
  122. 2,755 Iran
  123. 2,729 Panama
  124. 2,693 Romania
  125. 2,649 French Polynesia
  126. 2,612 Sint Maarten
  127. 2,415 Barbados
  128. 2,288 Bulgaria
  129. 2,153 Malaysia
  130. 2,106 Bosnia and Herzegovina
  131. 2,091 Uzbekistan
  132. 1,977 Puerto Rico, USA
  133. 1,974 Uruguay
  134. 1,965 Armenia
  135. 1,835 Lebanon
  136. 1,777 Taiwan
  137. 1,666 Jordan
  138. 1,576 Turks and Caicos
  139. 1,511 Bhutan
  140. 1,474 Kyrgyzstan
  141. 1,470 Peru
  142. 1,413 Serbia
  143. 1,266 Moldova
  144. 1,236 Costa Rica
  145. 1,174 Vietnam
  146. 1,161 South Africa
  147. 1,120 Albania
  148. 1,083 Ecuador
  149. 1,030 Thailand
  150. 915 Belize
  151. 831 Cuba
  152. 820 Georgia
  153. 818 Oklahoma, USA
  154. 810 Tunisia
  155. 762 Guinea-Bissau
  156. 757 Iraq
  157. 705 Trinidad and Tobago
  158. 686 Colombia
  159. 659 Dominican Republic
  160. 609 Equatorial Guinea
  161. 505 St. Vincent Grenadines
  162. 491 Botswana
  163. 486 Japan
  164. 471 Ukraine
  165. 408 Antigua and Barbuda
  166. 400 Grenada
  167. 388 Ghana
  168. 381 Caribbean Netherlands
  169. 345 Cambodia
  170. 329 Argentina
  171. 317 Paraguay
  172. 306 Jamaica
  173. 296 Brazil
  174. 244 Egypt
  175. 224 Philippines
  176. 211 Togo
  177. 203 Pakistan
  178. 197 Mexico
  179. 184 Guyana
  180. 176 Niger
  181. 166 Morocco
  182. 152 Sri Lanka
  183. 142 Namibia
  184. 129 India
  185. 124 Laos
  186. 99 Nepal
  187. 98 Kenya
  188. 87 Sao Tome and Principe
  189. 77 Algeria
  190. 72 Uganda
  191. 72 Libya
  192. 67 Zambia
  193. 63 Guatemala
  194. 62 Rwanda
  195. 55 Mauritania
  196. 52 Indonesia
  197. 51 Bolivia
  198. 37 Bangladesh
  199. 25 Zimbabwe
  200. 24 Nigeria
  201. 24 Ethiopia
  202. 23 Myanmar
  203. 23 Haiti
  204. 15 Mozambique
  205. 8 Papua New Guinea

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