ALDI Mobile: How to Turn Off Voicemail

How to Turn Off Voicemail on ALDI Mobile..

Updated:  To Cancel all diverts: #002# then send.

To disable diversions to voicemail (for when you miss a call), from your mobile handset, dial ## 002 # then press the call or send button.  (thanks for comments)

To disable (and erase) voicemail ##002# (send)


How to Access Voicemail on ALDI Mobile

Voicemail can be accessed by dialling 141 from your handset, or opening your phone contacts and calling “Voicemail”.

You cannot currently access your ALDImobile voicemail from another phone. (Aug 2016)

When you first dial voicemail, you’ll be prompted to:

Supply a PIN (must be six digits long)
Re-enter your PIN
Record a greeting
If you have any problems, press * to return to the previous menu then press 0 for help.

Please note, when recording your personal greeting message, it cannot be any longer than 1 minute in length.


ALDI Voicemail – ALDI Help

How long are voicemail messages stored for?
How can I change/extend the ring time before diverting to voicemail?
How can I configure my phone to divert to voicemail?
How can I enable or disable a PIN number in Voicemail?
How can I setup or access Voicemail?
How do I change my voicemail PIN?
How do I turn off / disable my Voicemail?
How many voicemail messages can my service hold?
iPhone visual voicemail
What is the maximum length of time for a voicemail message
Voicemail – de-activation and re-activation of a number, are messages kept?
How do I access Voicemail while I am roaming?
Voicemail settings – turn off SMS notifications

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To disable voicemail
#002# (send)
To disable (and erase) voicemail
##002# (send)

I turned off the voice mail by: #002# Cancel all diverts

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