Banks in Puerto Galera, Mindoro, Philippines

A common theme began to appear while I was researching Puerto Galera, on Mindoro Island, Philippines…  “Take enough pesos to last your trip.”

It appears there is a shortage of main banks there, and maybe only a few ATM’s, but it was a comment that mentioned a 10% charge to exchange Foreign Currency appeared to be common. I am used to using the HSBC bank, with no withdrawal charges in the Philippines, one of just two banks that appear to not charge, the other being Citibank.

My initial research found these banks being mentioned in Puerto Galera.

Globe Gcash – Card Bank, Aguada, Puerto Galera. T: 043 287 3352
Rural Bank of Puerto Galera, Poblacion, Puerto Galera. T: 043 442 0095
Rural Bank of San Teodoro, Western Nautical Hwy, San Teodoro, Puerto Galera. T:

Not the normal bank names I am used to seeing, and there is no HSBC, that is for certain 🙂 The San Teodoro location is a long distance from Puerto Galera centre.

I did see a comment that there was only 1 ATM in Puerto Galera, but that was an old site, and I have now confirmed at least TWO…

I did begin to see websites showing search results such as: “UnionBank ATM near Talipanan, Puerto Galera” but on checking the site itself, the results say “No UnionBank found nearby!”

Banks in Puerto Galera

  • Allied Savings Bank, Muelle St, Poblacion, Puerto Galera. T: 043 442 0204
  • Rural Bank of Puerto Galera, Poblacion, Puerto Galera. T: 043 442 0095
  • Card Bank, Aguada, (heading towards Tabinay) Poblacion, Puerto Galera. T: 043 287 3352

ATM’s in Puerto Galera

  • Allied Savings Bank, Muelle St, Poblacion, Puerto Galera.
  • Rural Bank of Puerto Galera, Poblacion, Puerto Galera
  • Card Bank, Aguada, (heading towards Tabinay) Poblacion, Puerto Galera.
  • NO CONFIRMATION OF BEING CORRECT NOW. Banco De Oro (BDO), near White Beach, Puerto Galera

More Banks on the Island of: Mindoro

Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro.  (44 km South of Puerto Galera, map)

  • Allied Savings Bank, M. Albo cor. M. Leuterio Sts., Calapan. T: (043) 288 1955
  • Banco De Oro, J.P. Rizal Street, Calapan City, 5200. Tel: (043) 288 4104
  • Bank of Commerce, J.P. Rizal Street, Calapan City. T: (043) 288 4496
  • BPI, JP Rizal Street, San Vicente, Calapan City, Tel: (043) 288-4109
  • China Bank, JP Rizal, Calapan City 5200. Tel:(043) 288 8978
  • Landbank, Filipiniana Complex, Sto Nino Street, Calapan City. T: (043) 288-2470
  • Metrobank, Rizal St, Calapan City 5200. Tel: (043) 288 1985
  • PNB Bank, JP Rizal, Calapan City 5200. Tel: (043) 441 0081
  • UCPB, Baniway Building, JP Rizal Street, Calapan City. T: (043) 288-5252

Banks in other Towns on the Island

  • Allied Savings Bank, Caraig St., Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro. Tel. No. (043) 448-0157
  • Allied Savings Bank, Garong St., Naujan, Oriental Mindoro. Tel. No. (043) 208-3103
  • Allied Savings Bank, Malvar St., Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro. Tel. No. (043) 443-1290
  • PNB Bank, Mabini Street, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro.  T: (043) 443-2085
  • Allied Savings Bank, Administration St., Poblacion, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro. Tel. No. (043) 289-2749
  • Allied Savings Bank, Rizal St., San Jose, Occidental Mindoro. Tel. Nos. (043) 491-1867
  • Allied Savings Bank, M. Roldan cor. P. Apostol Sts. Victoria, Oriental Mindoro. Tel. No. (043) 285-5337

Map of Mindoro Island

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Poblacion means “Main area of a City or large town”

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Good pm!!Can I ask on your bank?Why is it that they have send me a money from Denmark 2 weeks and 4 days ago until now I check my account but the money is not there already.What happen on your bank?Is there any problem?What kind of bank is this?Kindly please check my account because they told that the money is on Manila last week.I hate this bank.My account Name :Dupalco,Cecille S.

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