Brexit: Do ‘Foreigners’ only do the work that the British don’t want to do?

Do ‘Foreigners’ only do the work that the British don’t want to do?
An attack on Leave voters, saying they are stupid, had a Remain supporter saying that foreigners ‘do not take our jobs, they do the ones the British do not want to do’.
My thoughts on this are…

Do ‘Foreigners’ only do the work that the British don’t want to do?..

An attack on Leave voters, saying they are stupid, had a Remain supporter saying that foreigners ‘do not take our jobs, they do the ones the British do not want to do’.

My thoughts on this are:

I never realised how low some ‘intelligent’ people think of the foreign workers. That statement says that foreigners only do the work that the British don’t want, and that they don’t take other jobs. That may have been true in the 1950’s, but this is 2016.

There are Stupid and Racist people that voted both Leave and Remain, there are also Asians and Muslims that voted both Leave and Remain.

There are poor people who know the rich will always keep them poor, in or out of the EU, the satisfaction they may get, is that some of those rich are now ‘not as rich’.

There are some Rich people that voted Leave as they feel the EU holds Britain back.

We all have opinions. The above one is based on 1950’s ‘facts’. Others are based on other ‘facts’.
Just because we differ does not mean the other is stupid does it ?

The real answers may not actually be known yet.

What if the EU does crumble and collapse as current events show it might?
What if Britain recovers and becomes Great again?

The Future is not yet written.

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