EU Truck Driver Shortage

EU and UK Truck Driver Shortage.

The EU is grappling with a driver shortage of its own. The problem existed in both the U.K. and the EU even before the pandemic — in 2019 some 24 percent of trucker positions were unfilled in the U.K., while 22 percent were unfilled in Poland, according to the International Road Transport Organisation (IRU). In the Czech Republic, 21 percent were unfilled; in Spain, 20 percent.

As early as 2020, logistics analysts Transport Intelligence reported that Germany had an industry gap of between 45,000 and 60,00 HGV drivers. Predictions for 2024 see this number increasing to up 185,000 by 2027.

In France, there has been a shortage of 43,000 drivers since 2019 and Italy reports a deficit in drivers of around 15,000.

Clearly, the problem is not isolated to the UK

In the UK there is a shortfall of at least 76,000 drivers. Across Europe the total reaches 400,000 drivers, according to research by Transport Intelligence.

Poland: According to Ti estimates, the shortage in Poland in 2020 is around 124,000 drivers.

Germany:  The IRU predicts a gap of 185,000 drivers by 2027 in Germany.

France: In 2019 it has been reported by several news outlets that France is experiencing a shortage of approximately 43,000 drivers.

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