A flight from Manila in the Philippines to Kuala Lumpur for just One Peso ?
That is one of the Specials advertised on one of the Airline Websites in the Philippines today.
I know that Airline prices are going up and down all the time, and flights are much cheaper than they were ten years ago, but getting them down to ONE Peso (There are about 40 Peso to the Dollar, or about 60+ to the British Pound £), well, that does sound way too good to be true.
However, the price breakdown does add on 12% VAT at an extra 0.12 PHP
But… adding together the PHP 1.00 and PHP 0.12, the total comes to PHP 681. However they did that calculation, it is still a good price, and worth taking a flight for the sake of it (US$17 or GBP £11)
Unfortunately though, when I went to try to get a final price on that, I was up to about PHP 3,000 ($75 / £50) including the return. Still not a bad price, but a bit more than ONE PESO 😉
Looking at spending ONE Peso for the trip
Now up to 681 Peso for the trip
And now 1,179 for the trip there, with 1,659 to come back = a total of 2,838 Peso
They all seem to be getting in on the act with these 1 Peso fares;
50.1 - 895,523