Internet Usage and Climate Change..
In 2019 the internet accounts for 6-10% of the world’s energy consumption and these contribute to 4% of our greenhouse gas emissions.
How does that 4% compare to a countries greenhouse gas emissions?
Australia has reduced from 1.5% of global emissions to about 1.0% of Global Emissions between 2005 and 2019. (Australia and Carbon Emissions)
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The top 15 emission producing countries in 2017
- 27.2% China
- 14.6% USA
- 6.8% India
- 4.7% Russia
- 3.3% Japan
- 2.2% Germany
- 1.9% Iran
- 1.8% Saudi Arabia
- 1.7% South Korea
- 1.6% Canada
- 1.4% Mexico
- 1.3% Indonesia
- 1.3% Brazil
- 1.3% South Africa
- 1.2% Turkey
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