The 2012/13 International Labour Organisations Global Wage Report was issued in late 2012.
A few extracts from it are shown below:
Regional differences in wage levels
While wages grew significantly in emerging economies, differences in wage levels remain considerable. In the Philippines, a worker in the manufacturing sector took home around US$1.40 for each hour worked. In Brazil, the hourly direct pay in the sector was US$5.40, in Greece it was US$13.00, in the United States US$23.30 and in Denmark US$34.80 (2010 exchange rates, rounded).
Major trends in wages
Real average wage growth has remained far below pre-crisis levels globally, going into the red in developed economies, although it has remained significant in emerging economies.
Monthly average wages adjusted for inflation – known as real average wages – grew globally by 1.2 per cent in 2011, down from 2.1 per cent in 2010 and 3 per cent in 2007. Because of its size and strong economic performance, China weighs heavily in this global calculation. Omitting China, global real average wages grew at only 0.2 per cent in 2011, down from 1.3 per cent in 2010 and 2.3 per cent in 2007.
The ILO has called on its 185 member states to adopt minimum wage policies as a way of reducing working poverty and providing social protection for vulnerable employees.
Minimum wages should take into account the needs of workers as well as economic factors, including levels of productivity, the requirements of economic development and the need to maintain a high level of employment
The Full report is available in PDF format here:…/wcms_194844.pdf
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