Latin Numerals One to Twenty in Words..
1 to 20 in the old Latin language are spoken as: Unum, Duo, Tres, Quattuor, Quinque, Sex, Septem, Octo, Novem, Decem, Undecim, Duodecim, Tredecim, Quattuordecim, Quindecim, Sedecim, Septendecim, Duodeviginity, Undeviginity and Viginity.
The Latin numbering systems is made up using the following numerals.
Latin Letter I = 1
Latin Letter V = 5
Latin Letter X = 10
Latin Letter L = 50
Latin Letter C = 100
Latin Letter D = 500
Latin Letter M = 1000
Numbers 1 to 20 with the Latin and English translations
Number | Latin | English | |
1 | I | Unum | One |
2 | II | Duo | Two |
3 | III | Tres | Three |
4 | IV | Quattuor | Four |
5 | V | Quinque | Five |
6 | VI | Sex | Six |
7 | VII | Septem | Seven |
8 | VIII | Octo | Eight |
9 | IX | Novem | Nine |
10 | X | Decem | Ten |
11 | XI | Undecim | Eleven |
12 | XII | Duodecim | Twelve |
13 | XIII | Tredecim | Thirteen |
14 | XIV | Quattuordecim | Fourteen |
15 | XV | Quindecim | Fifteen |
16 | XVI | Sedecim | Sixteen |
17 | XVII | Septendecim | Seventeen |
18 | XVIII | Duodeviginity | Eighteen |
19 | XIX | Undeviginity | Nineteen |
20 | XX | Viginity | Twenty |
Why is the Latin number ‘Novem’ only 9 and not 11
Why is the Latin number ‘Decem’ only 10 and not 12
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