Muslims in the UK

UK Census 1991: Muslims made up 1.9% of the population
UK Census 2011: Muslims made up 4.8% of the population
In England and Wales there are 26 constituencies that have a Muslim population of more than 20%.
Tower Hamlets has a 45.6% Muslim population.
Perceptions of Muslim Populations…………

Muslims in the UK, 2011 Census..

In the UK Census 2011: Muslims made up the second largest religious group with 4.8% of the population.

  • In 1981 the figure was x.x% (550,000)
  • In 1991 the figure was 1.9%
  • In 2001 the figure was 3.0% (1.6 million)
  • In 2011 the figure was 4.8% (2.8 million)
  • In 2014 the figure is estimated at 5.4%
  • In 2021, assuming the same growth since 1991, the figure would be 7.7% (using just 10 year census figures)

New figures published in Jan 2016 show that the rise has continued, with a record 3,046,607 Muslims across England and Wales in 2014 – representing 5.4 per cent of the population. and

  • 9.1% of all children under 5 are Muslim
  • 8.1% of all children ages 5 to 15 are Muslim.
  • 19.8% of Muslims were in full-time employment, compared with 34.9% of the overall population.

Muslims in the Countries of the UK

The 2011 Census showed the Muslim populations for each part of the UK as:

  • 5.02% England
  • 1.50% Wales
  • 1.45% Scotland
  • 0.21% Northern Ireland

Further variations exist in smaller regions of the UK:

  • In England and Wales there are 26 constituencies that have a Muslim population of more than 20%.
  • The London Boroughs with the highest percentage of Muslims are Tower Hamlets with 45.6% Muslim, and Newham with 40.8%.

Other Major Areas include these Muslim Populations:

  • 29% Blackburn
  • 26% Slough
  • 25.7% Luton
  • 23% Birmingham
  • 20% Leicester
  • 18% Manchester

Perceptions of Muslim Populations

A study in 2011 showed that most people in the UK thought that the Muslim population of the UK was about 21%.
However, only 26 constituencies in the UK have a Muslim population of more than 20%.
That does explain why many people surveyed thought it was that figure, especially when some areas of the UK have between 25% and 45% Muslim populations.

Muslim Population Percentages around the World – 2014

  • 8% France (but the French think it is 31%)
  • 6% Belgium (but the Belgiums think it is 29%)
  • 6% Germany (but the Germans think it is 19%)
  • 5% Great Britain (but the British think it is 21%)
  • 5% Sweden (but the Swedes think it is 17%)
  • 4% Italy
  • 2% Canada
  • 2% Australia
  • 2% Spain
  • 1% US

2014 Report at:

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