Population of Eire. Ireland

The Irish population taken from various census results, and estimates.


Year Population
2011 4,580,000
2006 4,240,000
2002 3,920,000
1996 3,630,000
1991 3,530,000
1986 3,540,000
1981 3,440,000
1979 3,370,000
1971 2,980,000
1966 2,880,000
1961 2,820,000
1956 2,900,000
1951 2,960,000
1946 2,960,000
1936 2,970,000
1926 2,970,000
1911 3,140,000
1901 3,220,000
1891 3,470,000
1881 3,870,000
1871 4,050,000
1861 4,400,000
1851 5,110,000
1841 6,530,000

These population figures show an unusual drop in population, but this was caused by the potato famine and the massive emigration of many Irish to other countries at that time.

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