Presidents of the United States

List of Presidents of the United States before and after the Constitution..

On the 4th July 1776, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence proclaiming independence from Great Britain.

The Treaty of Paris, signed on 3 September 1783, ended the American Revolutionary War officially giving the Colonies Independence.

The Continental Congress had various “Presidents” during the period from before the declaration of Independence until the date that the United States was formally created.

The United States Constitution was created on 17 September 1787, was ratified on 21 June 1788 and came into force on 4 March 1789.

The First President of the United States itself was George Washington, from 30 April 1789. He was also the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army from 15 June 1775 to 23 December 1783. A position now held by each US President.

Presidents of the Continental Congress

1. Peyton Randolph. September 5, 1774 – October 22, 1774
2. Henry Middleton. October 22, 1774 – October 26, 1774
3. Peyton Randolph. May 10, 1775 – May 24, 1775
4. John Hancock. May 24, 1775 – October 28, 1777
5. Charles Thomson. October 29, 1777 – November 1, 1777
6. Henry Laurens. November 1, 1777 – December 9, 1778
7. John Jay. December 10, 1778 – September 28, 1779

Presidents of the United States in Congress Assembled

1. Samuel Huntington. March 2, 1781 – July 10, 1781
2. Thomas McKean. July 10, 1781 – November 4, 1781
3. John Hanson. November 5, 1781 – November 3, 1782
4. Elias Boudinot. November 4, 1782 – November 2, 1783
5. Thomas Mifflin. November 3, 1783 – October 31, 1784
6. Richard Henry Lee. November 30, 1784 – November 6, 1785
7. John Hancock. November 23, 1785 – June 5, 1786
8. Nathaniel Gorham. June 5, 1786 – November 5, 1786
9. Arthur St. Clair. February 2, 1787 – November 4, 1787
10. Cyrus Griffin. January 22, 1788 – November 2, 1788

Presidents of the United States

1. George Washington. 1789 to 1797
2. John Adams. 1797 to 1801
3. Thomas Jefferson. 1801 to 1809
4. James Madison. 1809 to 1817
5. James Monroe. 1817 to 1825
6. John Quincy Adams. 1825 to 1829
7. Andrew Jackson. 1829 to 1837
8. Martin Van Buren. 1837 to 1841
9. William Henry Harrison. 1841 to 1841
10. John Tyler. 1841 to 1845
11. James K. Polk. 1845 to 1849
12. Zachary Taylor. 1849 to 1850
13. Millard Fillmore. 1850 to 1853
14. Franklin Pierce. 1853 to 1857
15. James Buchanan. 1857 to 1861
16. Abraham Lincoln. 1861 to 1865
17. Andrew Johnson. 1865 to 1869
18. Ulysses S. Grant. 1869 to 1877
19. Rutherford B. Hayes. 1877 to 1881
20. James A. Garfield. 1881 to 1881
21. Chester Arthur. 1881 to 1885
22. Grover Cleveland. 1885 to 1889
23. Benjamin Harrison. 1889 to 1893
24. Grover Cleveland. 1893 to 1897
25. William McKinley. 1897 to 1901
26. Theodore Roosevelt. 1901 to 1909
27. William Howard Taft. 1909 to 1913
28. Woodrow Wilson. 1913 to 1921
29. Warren G. Harding. 1921 to 1923
30. Calvin Coolidge. 1923 to 1929
31. Herbert Hoover. 1929 to 1933
32. Franklin D. Roosevelt. 1933 to 1945
33. Harry S. Truman. 1945 to 1953
34. Dwight D. Eisenhower. 1953 to 1961
35. John F. Kennedy. 1961 to 1963
36. Lyndon B. Johnson. 1963 to 1969
37. Richard Nixon. 1969 to 1974
38. Gerald Ford. 1974 to 1977
39. Jimmy Carter. 1977 to 1981
40. Ronald Reagan. 1981 to 1989
41. George Bush. 1989 to 1993
42. Bill Clinton. 1993 to 2001
43. George W. Bush. 2001 to 2009
44. Barack Obama. 2009 to 2017
45. Donald Trump. 2017 to

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