Prison Populations Worldwide in 2018..
Some countries put more people in Prison than others. There can be various reasons for this. The United States of America has a Three Strike policy, which puts people into prison automatically after three convictions, no matter how small. Some countries rely on a probationary periods or community service. Corruption in some countries allow more criminals to buy their way out of convictions. Some countries execute prisoners more often.
The following is provided from figures sourced from the Institute for Criminal Policy Research data in 2018.
41.3% of the world’s prison population were being held in the three countries: United States of America, China and Russia.
Prisoners per Population in 2018: Top Ten and selected Countries.
1: 666 per 100,000 in United States of America
2: 614 per 100,000 in El Salvador
3: 583 per 100,000 in Turkmenistan
4: 542 per 100,000 in Virgin Islands (USA)
5: 514 per 100,000 in Maldives
6: 510 per 100,000 in Cuba
7: 483 per 100,000 in Thailand
8: 482 per 100,000 in Northern Mariana Islands (USA)
9: 470 per 100,000 in Virgin Islands (United Kingdom)
10: 448 per 100,000 in Seychelles
15: 415 per 100,000 in Russian Federation
60: 220 per 100,000 in New Zealand
87: 172 per 100,000 in Philippines
90: 169 per 100,000 in Mexico
91: 167 per 100,000 in Australia
110: 142 per 100,000 in England & Wales (UK)
115: 135 per 100,000 in Scotland (UK)
134: 118 per 100,000 in China
140: 114 per 100,000 in Canada
148: 102 per 100,000 in France
168: 77 per 100,000 in Germany
169: 76 per 100,000 in Northern Ireland (UK)
213: 33 per 100,000 in India
222: 10 per 100,000 in Guinea Bissau
World Prison Populations in 2018
2,145,100 are being held in Prisons in the United States of America
1,649,804 are being held in Prisons in China
672,722 are being held in Prisons in Brazil
600,721 are being held in Prisons in the Russian Federation
419,623 are being held in Prisons in India
334,279 are being held in Prisons in Thailand
236,812 are being held in Prisons in Indonesia
232,179 are being held in Prisons in Turkey
225,624 are being held in Prisons in Iran
208,689 are being held in Prisons in Mexico
Foreign Prisoners in World Prisons
31.3% of prisoners in Germany are Foreigners
21.7% of prisoners in France are Foreigners
18.5% of prisoners in Australia are Foreigners
11.1% of prisoners in England & Wales are Foreigners
5.2% of prisoners in United States of America are Foreigners
1.9% of prisoners in New Zealand are Foreigners
1.5% of prisoners in India are Foreigners
1.2% of prisoners in Mexico are Foreigners
0.4% of prisoners in Philippines are Foreigners
0.4% of prisoners in China are Foreigners
Prison Populations Worldwide in 2005
A 2005 report, from the BBC, showed that about half of the world’s prison population were being held in just three countries, the United States of America, China and Russia, it is interesting to see how the numbers are made up.
World Prison Populations in 2005
2,193,798 prisoners in United States of America
1,548,498 prisoners in China
874,161 prisoners in Russia
371,482 prisoners in Brazil
332,112 prisoners in India
214,450 prisoners in Mexico
162,602 prisoners in Ukraine
158,501 prisoners in South Africa
89,546 prisoners in Poland
80,002 prisoners in England/Wales
79,052 prisoners in Japan
47,036 prisoners in Kenya
65,458 prisoners in Turkey
40,444 prisoners in Nigeria
25,790 prisoners in Australia
6,872 prisoners in Scotland
1,375 prisoners in N Ireland
Prisoners per 100,000 Population
737 United States of America
615 Russia
350 Ukraine
334 South Africa
235 Poland
196 Mexico
193 Brazil
148 England/Wales
134 Scotland
130 Kenya
125 Australia
118 China
91 Turkey
79 N Ireland
62 Japan
30 India
30 Nigeria
Un-sentenced prisoners as % of total
??% China (Not Known)
70.1% India
64.3% Nigeria
47.7% Turkey
45.6% Kenya
43.2% Mexico
37.4% N Ireland
33.1% Brazil
27.5% South Africa
21.6% Australia
21.2% United States of America
21% Scotland
19.5% Ukraine
16.9% Russia
16.8% Poland
16.4% England/Wales
14.7% Japan
108.1 - 873,743
In 2005 the total prisoners in the United States of America were shown at: 2,193,798 and this changed to 2,145,100 in a 2018 report. A reduction of 48,698. A 2.2% change.
In 2005 the total prisoners in China were shown at: 1,548,498 and this changed to 1,649,804 in a 2018 report. An increase of 101,306. A 6.5% change.
In 2005 the total prisoners in Russia were shown at: 874,161 and this changed to 600,721 in a 2018 report. A reduction of 273,440. A 31% change.
41% of the prisoners from 223 countries are now held in those three countries.