Is Camilla the Queen or Queen Consort?
Many people in the world are asking why Camilla, the wife of King Charles III, is officially called a Queen Consort and not just Queen.
Some are saying it is a term to disrespect Camilla.
Some are saying that Camilla is the first to get that title.
But for those who are interested in the truth, here are some facts.
There are two styles of the title for the British “Queen”.
Queen Regnant and Queen Consort.
Queen Regnant is for a female who has assumed the role of the Monarch by ancestry. ie: normally being a female child of the previous Monarch.
Queen Consort is for the wife of a ruling King. The King normally being a male child of the previous ruling Monarch.
This has been the case for centuries. An example of this is with King Henry VIII, with his more than average number of wives.
Each of King Henry’s wives were Queen Consorts.
More recently, so too were, Elizabeth, the wife of King George VI, and Mary, the wife of King George V.
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