Senior Citizen Discounts on Domestic airfares..
Senior Citizens can avail of many discounts, and one for the travellers is the Discount on Domestic airfares in the Philippines.
Normally these discounts are only available for Filipino citizens, so tourists should not get their hopes up.
The three main airlines rulings on this:
20% discount on any fare type on all Pal Express’ Domestic Flights. Must be at least 60 years old. Availing passenger/s must present any valid ID indicating date of birth upon ticket purchase. Applicable to Filipino residents only.
Senior Citizen Discount – 20% of base fare including promotional rates (Y-Z). Not Applicable for special promotional rates (W, V & B).
– Applicable to Filipino citizen at least 60 years of age
– Valid OSCA ID or other documents that establish Filipino citizenship and age
To get the 20% senior citizen discount, you must book via a Sales Offices. It is not available via online booking.
5.6 PWD and Senior Citizen Discount on Fares
All THREE say basically the same.
BUT…. I booked online, and I GOT a senior citizen discount, and I am NOT a Filipino citizen.
1,731.1 - 896,973
how many id’s should a senior citizen need to present in checking in for airasia??
I would assume just the one.
You haven’t said which airline. Cebu Pacific now state: To get the 20% senior citizen discount, you must book via a Sales Offices. It is not available via online booking.
Have just booked a ticket online for my mom, unfortunately no option to get the discount. Is there any chance to refund the Senior Citizen discount at the airport upon presenting her senior citizen ID?
hi this is great info! how were you able to avail the SC discount thru online booking? I need to book a domestic flight for my 74 y/o mom (not a Filipino resident) the soonest possible and would like to know how to avail of the discount thru booking online A reply would be greatly appreciated 🙂
They just gave it, based on date of birth entered on booking. I never asked for the discount.
Good day!
I want to avail your discounted ticket for senior citizen intended for my mother.
Thank you very much.
I booked domestic airline tickets with Pal express and Cebu Pacific and was given 20% senior discount. I also booked domestic airline ticket with Tiger airways and was refused senior discount and was told that company policy does allow senior discounts. Is there a government email address where I can lodge my complaint? Thank you.
PAL and Cebu pacific are both Philippine companies and governed by Philippines rules on discounts for citizens.
Tiger Airways may not come under the same rules as it is not a Philippine company.
It does seem bad though, that they are allowed to compete with local airlines, but not have to follow the same rules.
May be worth asking the Department of Transportation and Communications.