The number of criminal prosecutions for tax evasion more than doubled in the UK during the last tax year.
HM Revenue & Customs [HMRC] successfully just over twice as many taxpayers for tax evasion during 2012/13, when compared to the 2011/12 tax year.
The HMRC has plans to increase prosecutions by 500% by the end of 2015, and has received extra funding of nearly £1bn to improve their prosecution targets. Only 10% of prosecutions are not successful.
More Tax News:
- The total amount of tax protected by tackling corporate tax avoidance schemes has passed £1 billion in the first six months of 2013.
- The tax gap in the 2010 to 2011 financial year was estimated to be £32 billion – 6.7% of the total tax that HMRC estimates was due.
That £32 billion works out at £1,230 per taxpayer. Imagine everyone saving that amount in their annual tax bill.
How would you spend your extra £23 per WEEK, if everyone paid correctly?
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