Why is Fall Autumn?
The English use the word “Autumn” from the Latin “Autumnus” to describe the season between Summer and Winter.
The Americans use the word “Fall” to describe the season between Summer and Winter, as the leaves fall in Autumn.
The older of the two words, “Autumn and Fall” is Autumn, which first came into English in the 1300s from the Latin word “Autumnus“.
The Americans shortened this English statement; “The Leaves fall in Autumn“, to just “Fall”.
Poets continued to be wowed by the changes that the autumn season brought, and in time, the phrase “the fall of the leaves” came to be associated with the season of Autumn.
The Americans, in the 1600s, shortened this English statement; “The Leaves fall in Autumn“, to just “Fall”.
The first permanent English settlement in North America was in 1607. This would the beginning of the changes in the languages of the two countries.
By the middle of the 1800s, the language in the two countries, America and England, had diverged, and so had the words “fall and autumn”.
By that time, fall was considered to be entirely American by American lexicographers.
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