The Mandela Rhodes Foundation

What is the Mandela Rhodes Foundation?.

The Mandela Rhodes Foundation is one of Nelson Mandela’s three official legacy organisations, founded in 2003 in partnership with the Rhodes Trust.

Their mission is to build exceptional leadership capacity in Africa. By finding, funding, and empowering young Africans who aspire towards the kind of leadership Mr Mandela embodied: leaders who can bridge historic divides and who use their talents for the betterment of their societies and our continent.

Cecil Rhodes made his fortune in Southern Africa, and when he died in 1903 he left it in a Trust that established the Rhodes Scholarships.

Nelson Mandela was South Africa’s first democratically elected president, serving from 1994 to 1999. But he was also one of the world’s most revered political prisoners, being imprisoned between 1962 and 1990.

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