TypeFaster Typing Tutor For Windows

TypeFaster Typing Tutor 0.4.2 For Windows..

TypeFaster Typing Tutor is a free typing tutorial program developed by TypeFaster for Windows designed to help users learn how to touch-type enabling users to type faster without looking at the keyboard.

This freeware offers support for multiple languages and keyboard layouts which include UK-English, Danish, French, Hebrew, Italian, German, Numeric Keypad, US-English, US-Dvorak, Norwegian, Finnish, Portuguese and French-Belgian.

TypeFaster Typing Tutor also features 3D typing game and typing statistics. It also provides users a clear indication of which fingers to use when typing. It also offers support for right to left text and backspace.

In addition, this freeware offers users multi-user and teacher support. It also has a lesson progress indicator and an intuitive interface that enables users to edit lesson files and modify game settings.

Overall, TypeFaster Typing Tutor is a simple yet powerful Windows utility that helps users type faster and more accurately with its easy to learn and fun typing lessons and games

From: http://www.typefastertypingtutor.com

and: http://www.tomsguide.com/us/download/TypeFaster,0301-6523.html

Amazon Typing Tutor

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