UK to introduce 14 day arrival Quarantine.

From the 8th June 2020, most people arriving in Britain will face 14 days in quarantine, in an attempt to prevent a second coronavirus outbreak.

Anyone breaking the rules will face a fine or prosecution.

These rules will apply to all international arrivals except Ireland, although exemptions will be available for: Healthcare professionals travelling to work in the crisis, seasonal agricultural workers and those working in freight and road haulage, amongst others.

Self isolation
Passengers arriving in the UK will be required to self-isolate for 14 days and could be contacted regularly throughout this period to ensure compliance.

Anyone failing to comply with the mandatory conditions may face enforcement action. A breach of self-isolation would be punishable with a £1,000 fixed penalty notice in England or potential prosecution and unlimited fine.

Spot checks
Public health authorities will conduct random checks in England to ensure compliance with self-isolation requirements.

Those entering the UK will also be encouraged to download the NHS Covid-19 app at the border and use it for the duration of their stay in the UK.


Australia began a similar quarantine system on Sunday 15th March 2020, and now has a total of only 103 recorded deaths.  (an increase of 6 since this page first published).

The UK has now recorded 37,460 deaths. (an increase of 6,219 since this page first published).

Updated from the original first published on 9th May 2020: 

The UK is expected to insist that arrivals to the country will have to undergo self isolation from next week, something that many countries began two months ago.

Australia for example began the same on Sunday 15th March 2020.

Australia has 97 recorded deaths.

The UK Prime Minister is expected to announce that all visitors to Britain will be ordered to isolate for 14 days in a bid to prevent a second wave of the coronavirus from Monday 11th May 2020.…/uk-arrivals-will-have-self-isolate-14-days

The UK has recorded 31,241 deaths.

One must wonder if lives were lost, due to allowing people to arrive from such places as Spain, Italy or the US,  as just a few examples.

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