Unemployment in Spain

A press release in April 2013 shows that the Unemployment Rate in Spain has hit a record level of over 27%, for the first quarter of 2013. The highest since at least 1976.

  • The male unemployment rate is 26.78%
  • The female unemployment rate is 27.61%.
  • The unemployment rate for the foreign population was 39.21%
  • The unemployment rate for persons with Spanish nationality was 25.11%.

In 2007, the unemployment rate was 7.9% and had been steadily rising, although with the major changes being in 2008.

The number of unemployed persons increases by 237,400 persons and reachesĀ the figure of 6,202,700. The unemployment rate increases 1.14 points, standingĀ at 27.16%.
National Statistics Institute, Spain.

The overall rate of unemployment in the eurozone has also reached a new record high of 12%, with the number of people unemployed in the 17 member states reaching 19.07 million, in February 2013.

The highest Eurozone jobless rate in December 2012, was 26.4% in Greece, with Spain being second at 26.3%

Unemployment Statistics at European Commission


Source: tradingeconomics.com


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Unemployment in Spain continues to increase and we have noticed that a large amount of young people applies to come to Australia as au pairs in order to find later a better job here and apply for their permanent residence, the big majority of unemployed people is early twenties and unable to get their first job are leaving Spain, hundreds of them are teachers that have lost their jobs as the Spanish Minister in Education has taken some measures to reduce the amount of teachers

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