What is the English meaning of ‘Lucked Out’ ?
When we say I have lucked out, what does it really mean, in the English language?
It means you were OUT of luck. The opposite of My luck is in.
However, other languages may mean something different, and in the case of the American people, when they say I have lucked out, they really mean their luck is in.
In Australia, the people use basically the same English language as the English people, and the meaning, as this example shows, is the English meaning.
Lucked Out meaning in Australia.
To be unfortunate or unlucky; to run out of luck.
I lucked out and didn’t get the last two tickets to the big show.
Lucked Out meaning in America.
To experience great luck; to be extremely fortunate or lucky.
I lucked out and got the last two tickets to the big show.
Lucked Out meaning in England.
To be unfortunate or unlucky; to run out of luck.
I lucked out and didn’t get the last two tickets to the big show.
Lucked In meaning in America.
If Lucked Out, in the American language, means to be lucky, what does Lucked In mean?
According to wiktionary.org, the term “lucked in” means the same as the American Lucked out, ie: She lucked in and won a trip to Hawaii.
The English appear not to use the term Lucked In, normally just using the term In Luck.
Lucked out – Oxford Dictionary (American)
Means: to be lucky I guess I really lucked out when I met him/her.
English speakers might worry if they heard that. How bad was he/she?
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