What is the main cause of Poverty in Australia?..
Many people wonder about Poverty in Australia, and why there are so many in Poverty.
An ABC news report in October 2016 showed that there are 731,000 children living below the poverty line.
What is the poverty line in Australia? Why are so many in Poverty?
That same report stated the 2014 poverty line incomes as:
- $426.30 a week for a single adult
- $895.22 a week for a couple with children
I assume the 2016 poverty line incomes are now even higher.
The poverty level is set at 50% of median income.
The ACOSS Poverty in Australia 2016 report, found nearly 3 million Australians live in poverty (2,548,496 according to the reports actual figures).
65.3% of all those in Poverty are not working, and 13.8% are working only part time.
The report states that 55% of people on the unemployment benefit ‘Newstart’ are living below the poverty level. This must also mean that 45% of unemployed are above the poverty level.
What is a Child
In the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Survey of Income and Housing, for example, a child is defined as: “All persons aged under 15 years; and persons aged 15–24 years who are full-time students, have a parent in the household and do not have a partner or child of their own in the household.”
100.1 - 894,181