World Unemployment Rates

Unemployment Rates Selected Countries
Unemployment Rates Full List

Unemployment Rates around the World..

Unemployment figures around the world can vary by some large amounts, and not all figures can be relied upon for accuracy.  However, these are some figures that give an indication of unemployment rates around the world.

20 Selected Countries Unemployment Rate Comparisons

COUNTRY 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Iceland Not in EU 2.70% 4.00%
Switzerland Not in EU 3.40% 3.20%
Denmark In EU 4.20% 4.60%
Germany In EU 4.30% 4.60%
Malta In EU 4.60% 5.40%
Norway Not in EU 4.80% 4.40%
United Kingdom In or Out of EU 5.10% 5.40%
Austria In EU 6.10% 5.70%
Netherlands In EU 6.20% 6.90%
Hungary In EU 6.60% 6.80%
Luxembourg In EU 6.70% 6.90%
Sweden In EU 6.90% 7.40%
Ireland In EU 8.00% 9.50%
Belgium In EU 8.40% 8.50%
Finland In EU 9.10% 9.30%
Poland In EU 9.60% 10.50%
France In EU 9.70% 10.10%
Portugal In EU 11.30% 12.40%
Spain In EU 19.70% 22.10%
Greece In EU 24.60% 25.00%

Unemployment Rates Main English Speaking Countries


COUNTRY 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
United States 4.70% 5.30%
New Zealand 5.10% 5.40%
United Kingdom 5.10% 5.40%
Australia 5.80% 6.10%
Canada 7.10% 6.90%


Unemployment Rates Selected Countries


COUNTRY 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Australia 5.80% 6.10%
Canada 7.10% 6.90%
European Union 9.40%
France 9.70% 10.10%
India 8.40% 8.40%
Japan 3.20% 3.40%
Korea, South 4.00% 3.60%
New Zealand 5.10% 5.40%
Philippines 6.60% 6.30%
Russia 8.20% 5.60%
Switzerland 3.40% 3.20%
United Kingdom 5.10% 5.40%
United States 4.70% 5.30%

Unemployment Rates Full List

COUNTRY 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Albania 17.30% 17.50%
Algeria 12.40% 11.20%
Andorra 4.00%
Antigua and Barbuda 11.00%
Argentina 8.00% 7.60%
Armenia 18.10%
Australia 5.80% 6.10%
Austria 6.10% 5.70%
Azerbaijan 6.40% 5.30%
Bahamas, The 15.00% 15.80%
Bahrain 4.10% 4.30%
Bangladesh 4.90% 4.90%
Barbados 11.00% 11.30%
Belarus 0.70% 0.50%
Belgium 8.40% 8.50%
Belize 12.90% 14.10%
Bermuda 9.00% 7.00%
Bhutan 2.60% 2.90%
Bolivia 7.50% 7.40%
Bosnia and Herzegovina 43.20%
Botswana 20.00%
Brazil 12.60% 9.00%
British Virgin Islands
Brunei 6.90%
Bulgaria 8.90% 10.10%
Burma 4.80% 5.00%
Cabo Verde 12.00% 16.40%
Cambodia 0.30% 0.20%
Canada 7.10% 6.90%
Cayman Islands
Chile 7.00% 6.30%
China 4.20% 4.00%
Colombia 9.50% 8.90%
Comoros 6.50%
Congo, Republic of the 53.00%
Costa Rica 9.30% 9.40%
Croatia 15.80% 17.10%
Cuba 2.50% 2.40%
Curacao 13.00%
Cyprus 11.80% 14.90%
Czechia 5.60% 6.50%
Denmark 4.20% 4.60%
Djibouti 60.00%
Dominican Republic 13.80% 14.00%
Ecuador 5.50% 4.30%
Egypt 13.10% 12.80%
El Salvador 5.50% 5.50%
Equatorial Guinea
Eritrea 8.60% 10.00%
Estonia 6.50% 6.20%
Ethiopia 17.50%
European Union 9.40%
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
Faroe Islands 2.90% 3.10%
Fiji 8.80% 8.70%
Finland 9.10% 9.30%
France 9.70% 10.10%
French Polynesia 21.80%
Gaza Strip 26.10% 25.90%
Georgia 12.10% 12.00%
Germany 4.30% 4.60%
Ghana 5.20%
Greece 24.60% 25.00%
Greenland 9.40%
Grenada 33.50%
Guam 8.40%
Guatemala 2.90% 3.00%
Guyana 11.10% 11.30%
Honduras 3.90% 4.10%
Hong Kong 3.60% 3.30%
Hungary 6.60% 6.80%
Iceland 2.70% 4.00%
India 8.40% 8.40%
Indonesia 6.30% 6.20%
Iran 10.70% 10.50%
Iraq 16.00%
Ireland 8.00% 9.50%
Isle of Man
Israel 5.00% 5.30%
Italy 11.40% 11.90%
Jamaica 13.80% 14.00%
Japan 3.20% 3.40%
Jersey 1.70%
Jordan 14.80% 13.10%
Kazakhstan 5.70% 5.00%
Kenya 40.00%
Korea, North 25.60% 25.50%
Korea, South 4.00% 3.60%
Kosovo 35.30% 30.90%
Kuwait 3.00% 3.00%
Kyrgyzstan 8.10% 8.00%
Laos 1.40% 1.30%
Latvia 9.60% 9.90%
Lesotho 28.10%
Liechtenstein 3.40% 2.30%
Lithuania 8.20% 9.10%
Luxembourg 6.70% 6.90%
Macau 1.90% 1.80%
Macedonia 24.90% 26.10%
Madagascar 3.60%
Malaysia 3.30% 3.20%
Maldives 11.60% 11.00%
Mali 30.00% 8.10%
Malta 4.60% 5.40%
Mauritania 31.00%
Mauritius 7.80% 8.00%
Mexico 4.40% 4.40%
Micronesia, Federated States of
Moldova 6.30% 5.20%
Monaco 2.00%
Mongolia 8.30% 4.80%
Montenegro 18.50% 19.10%
Morocco 9.90% 9.70%
Namibia 28.10% 29.60%
Netherlands 6.20% 6.90%
New Zealand 5.10% 5.40%
Nicaragua 6.00% 6.10%
Niger 5.10% 5.10%
Northern Mariana Islands
Norway 4.80% 4.40%
Pakistan 6.70% 6.40%
Panama 4.50% 4.50%
Papua New Guinea
Paraguay 6.20% 5.80%
Peru 5.90% 5.20%
Philippines 6.60% 6.30%
Poland 9.60% 10.50%
Portugal 11.30% 12.40%
Puerto Rico 13.70% 15.00%
Qatar 0.70% 0.40%
Romania 6.70% 6.80%
Russia 8.20% 5.60%
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
San Marino 8.70% 8.10%
Sao Tome and Principe 13.50% 13.70%
Saudi Arabia 11.20% 11.40%
Serbia 18.90% 19.30%
Seychelles 3.00% 3.30%
Sierra Leone 9.10%
Singapore 2.10% 1.90%
Sint Maarten 12.00%
Slovakia 9.80% 11.50%
Slovenia 11.60% 12.30%
South Africa 26.80% 25.40%
Spain 19.70% 22.10%
Sri Lanka 4.50% 4.70%
Sudan 13.60% 14.80%
Suriname 8.90% 8.50%
Sweden 6.90% 7.40%
Switzerland 3.40% 3.20%
Syria 50.00% 50.00%
Taiwan 3.90% 3.80%
Tajikistan 2.50% 2.50%
Thailand 0.90% 0.90%
Timor-Leste 11.00%
Trinidad and Tobago 4.00% 3.50%
Tunisia 15.40% 15.20%
Turkey 9.80% 10.30%
Turkmenistan 11.00% 10.60%
Uganda 9.40%
Ukraine 10.00% 9.10%
United Kingdom 5.10% 5.40%
United States 4.70% 5.30%
Uruguay 7.60% 7.50%
Uzbekistan 4.90% 5.00%
Venezuela 10.50% 6.80%
Vietnam 3.70% 3.50%
Virgin Islands 13.00%
Wallis and Futuna
West Bank 17.70% 18.60%
World 8.60% 7.60%
Yemen 27.00%


The unemployment rate is the number of unemployed divided by the total labour force.
The labour force is the total of people employed plus the unemployed that are seeking work.
The definition of Employed is normally anyone that is working at least 1 hour per week.

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) – an agency of the United Nations – sets out guidelines for measuring employment. Under ILO guidelines anyone working for at least an hour a week is employed.
Employed persons are those aged 15 years and over who have worked for at least one hour in the week of the survey

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