Brunei Airport Day Room Accommodation Booking

Flying through Brunei Airport sometimes involves a long wait between flights, even 12 hours is not uncommon, for some flight connections.

Some flights, that are booked through travel agents, can include a local hotel room for the day, but many flights will not provide this facility, especially when booked direct with the airline.

To help with these travellers who have a long flight changeover time, the Brunei Airport itself does have some basic Day Room accommodation available, in the airport terminal. There are apparently about 15 rooms with shower and toilet, and they cost about 10 Brunei Dollars per hour.

The local number to call is: 234 5473

Calling from overseas, (including the country code of 673) this would be:

FromĀ Australia: 0011 673 234 5473
FromĀ UK: 00 673 234 5473
From USA: 011 673 + 234 5473

Brunei International Airport (BWN)
Bandar Seri Begawan, BB2513,
Negara Brunei Darussalam.
Tel: +673 233 0142 (Operator)

Royal Brunei Airlines

(Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Brunei)

838.1 - 884,895
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